"Prevent & Protect"
The road to Perfection
Saving 1.35 million helpless lives

Peacefully profitably perfectly permanently preventing public problems.
The single innovation will generate more money and save more lives than any other throughout global history.

Profitably preventing public problems

Save MILLIONS of American lives on public roads AND make TRILLIONS of dollars over the next decade alone.


Learn more about what we work to achieve with Automated Transportation Innovation:

save millions of American lives, prevent billions of wasted road hours, and make trillions of dollars to pay off our national debt with this USA Government patented system sold to other countries! 

- Endless Economic Evolution -

Prevent & Protect
Perfectly, Easily, & Eternally!

I am going to start by telling you a little about myself and why should you give me your utmost attention right now, trust & believe me, & why you should implement this new transportation system that I have designed; this may be the most important day of your lives because today you will be given the ability to change the world in ways that may determine the outcome of the entire world & I realize that is a bold statement, but if you will listen to everything I will say here today, you too, in 1 hour from now will know that I speak the truth when I say that today can be a historical day. I was raised by parents that have taught me to help people & they have taught me this from such a young age that it is just who I am; truly, nothing gives me more pleasure than actions that help people. I was raised without many financial riches, but I was raised as the richest child in the world & I know this because I always had fun, love, & education & that has made me a great person that loves to help others & spread the intangible pinnacle of all riches that I was given as a child. For the past few weeks I have been living like my childhood mentor that my parents gave me access to, Anthony Robbins; if any of you don’t know who he is you should write his name down & look him up because he improves every life when his advice is followed; I have been living like Anthony Robbins does every day, though I do not know how he maintains his lifestyle this way, but I like him have been sleeping about 4 hours per night & working at least 12 hours per day to create a good for everyone & this system I am going to talk about will do good at level that that is truly incredible & will be fairly easy to create. This American work ethic was also taught to me by parents who are both some of the hardest workers in this country. My dad often works 12 hours a day, my mom raised 10 children & through these examples I have learned how to do what others cannot. I have created & owned businesses since I was 12 years old & been very successful in every business endeavor that I have ever pursued; when I was 15 I was on Spokane Washington television & had articles written about me that were published in many newspapers & even on the front page of the newspaper where I lived. At this young age I was asked by Idaho State to teach my business methods to the youth of their state at a symposium with Senator Larry Craig attending. I am a student of Utah State University & was accepted into an honor society for being ranked in the top 10% of the 20 some thousand students there. I am actively involved with my community, a lover of freemasonry, a member of a group known as anonymous, own 2 businesses, a family man, & easily achieve what others will only ever wish for because I have a firm understanding of a concept known as the NOW which guarantees the absolute pinnacle of productivity through a very short statement that states “if you can do it now & you don’t do it now, then you probably won’t ever do it & even if you do it later, you will be so far behind others that you wasted your efforts”; the understanding & application of this fact is what has made me successful in my endeavors. I tell you those things not to impress you, but to impress upon you the fact that I am capable of succeeding in anything & achieving my goals; providing protection to people is the goal of my existence and my obsession & I will be successful in this pursuit just like I have been successful in my other pursuits. My ability to achieve my goals is what has brought us together today; I promise you this meeting will be remembered historically if I gain your support today. I have designed a system that will save so many lives! According to CDC.gov, 30,800 Americans were killed on public roads in 2012; that is a lot of dead bodies! Though it is heartbreaking to do, imagine what a pile of 30 thousand bodies looks like & their loved ones reaction to it! We can now end this once unpreventable problem. The worst part is that these numbers are growing; this means that 1 American dies on our public roads every 17 minutes & the countdown clock between these tragedies is getting shorter! Before this meeting is over, using theses government statics, 3 to 4 random American will be killed on the U.S. public roads and horrifically one of these tragedies could a member of your family because nobody can predict who it will happen to or where it will happen; an average of 85 Americans that should not be killed, are killed every day on the public roads of our nation! The system I am presenting to you today can end these deaths. We with the power to do so, have a duty to provide the public with protection from others & I thank you for being the kind of person that is committed to doing that & the proof of you being that kind of person is shown by your attendance here today; I will not waste your time; what I have designed has the ability to protect people better than anyone has ever thought possible. This system will do much more than save lives; the system I am presenting to you today has the ability to, by itself without any other source, pay back every dollar of our national debt within my life time, assuming that I am not the next person to be killed by a drunk or irresponsible driver. It is a scary fact that no human, no computer, absolutely nothing has the ability to predict & know who or where the next person will be killed by a bad driver. The purpose of this meeting is to create a new level of protection for everyone on every public road & I promise you it will create a perfect level of protection for everyone on every public road; but there is more to this meeting that creating this incredible new road system; this system will guarantee protection for people in many ways in addition to protection on public roads, but the department of transportation is who has the ability to create all of these new protections for every human; if you will support this system you will also protect the supply of every item we have in our modern marketplace. This protection will come from this system that I have named “Prevent & Protect” “the road to perfection”. This system is positively crucial to the success of our country & I say that because we are in debt, we keep getting farther in debt, & you here can create the beginning of the end of this problem. My mom taught me a powerful quote & concept which says “nothing changes nothing” this is a powerful factual statement & with and with 3 simple words summarizes the fact that if we do nothing different from what we have been doing nothing changes & nothing will end traffic collisions & random people from being killed by them; also, and of equal importance, if we do nothing new, nothing will pay back the money that all of us Americans owe; this country is all of ours & so is its debt & because of that fact this system is of the utmost importance to every American’s future, even those that would have gone through their lives without a traffic accident. Money is not everything, but my dad very correctly taught me the truth that without money, what matter most in life, our families, cannot survive because our shelter, our food & in many areas even the water supply depends on money & if our economy fails, it will take with it all of those things that we all require to survive. Benjamin Franklin said something that I have changed slightly, “nobody realizes the importance of water until the well is dry”, the well is almost dry & the transportation system I have designed will replenish it. So what is this system & what does it do: Prevent & Protect is a system that will automate every vehicle’s driving ability & once legally mandated will guarantee the department of transportation’s immediate prevention every traffic collision! To bring this system into reality it must be a legally mandated & without a legal mandate for the safety of the public it will not be effective; that is why I have come to you, only the department of transportation can make this a reality. Just like seatbelts were mandated when government saw that it will protect people, this new system must be the next mandated change in vehicles for the same reason; this change will make every vehicle automatically drive itself to any desired location & people will no longer drive their vehicles; you may be thinking, is it right to make it so people cannot steer & accelerate faster with their own cars & the answer is infinitely yes; just like we do not allow people to point their own guns at random people, we likewise should not allow people to have massive amounts of steel brought to high speeds in the direction of another person. This system does not take away abilities & you will see how true that is in a few minutes; this system is one of choice & new abilities! Prevent & Protect will give you a new choice & ability that you currently do not have & this is the new choice & ability to guarantee the safety of yourself & loved ones on public road. This system I have designed will give everyone protection from random projectiles that kill & everyone should have access to that protection; once a traffic accident occurs our vehicles often become some of the largest & some of the most brutal projectiles possible& become the exact definition of a projectile which is” a body projected or impelled forward through the air”. Once this system is implemented it will do much more than eliminate the human error that kills so many innocent responsible drivers & give both drivers and passengers this protection. Prevent & Protect will give everyone “super human like abilities” such as the ability to travel at the maximum speeds that the laws of physics will allow! This means that law officers, emergency personnel, government officials, & injured people will have the ability to help & be helped in a small fraction of the time that is at best only hoped for without this automated transportation system. Prevent & Protect will do this through its united abilities; Prevent & Protect will know the exact location of every vehicle at every moment & in addition to driving these vehicles safely to where they need to go, it will also stop & pullover every vehicle on public roads in a time of emergency so that those involved can travel safely without having to stop or slow down to look for vehicles passing through intersections. I recently had an ambulance pass me with its lights & siren on in Logan Utah & me & 2 other people out of 20 or more vehicles were the only ones to pull over! Often ambulances are responding to an incident where every second that passes is a matter of life & death & though you would think this is common knowledge people must be ignorant to that fact because during that emergency only a small percentage of vehicles pulled over as required by law! With this new ability to safely allow people in emergencies to get the help they need in a fraction of the current time we will save even more lives than the 30 thousand that are directly killed by collisions. Currently law officers are often hit by vehicles when they have someone pulled over & the worst part is that this often happens by accident! My younger brother is a Utah State trooper & I am determined to provide protection to those that are willing to risk their lives to protect complete strangers! Protect & Prevent solves this problem that harms, paralyzes, or kills officers & does this though its ability to channel traffic as needed & know where everything is on every public road & how to ensure the safety of everyone. Protect & Prevent will enable entire cities to be evacuated without traffic jams in an extremely small fraction of the time that is currently required without this system which means that this system will save many more lives & also eliminate the terror that has to occur in people that are in areas where evacuations are needed & traffic jams occur. Prevent & Protect can also use any vehicle to push broken-down vehicles off the roads ensuring the roads are cleared safely & remain passable without anyone being harmed by the people that would otherwise speed through these areas in an attempt to evacuate. Prevent & Protect can do this because every vehicle can be controlled by an operator in a government room when the vehicle’s driving system is activated in government mode. I will tell you more about this shortly. This system will protect people in crosswalks that are often hit, children in school zones, & even our pets, & prevent the majority of accidents that happen when a human looks away from the road for just a second; this system does this through sensors that monitor the road side to side. These sensors will let the system know if there is anything on the road & stop vehicles to prevent these kinds of accidents. Prevent & Protect will DRAMATICALLY reduce crime & will allow us to catch nearly every criminal because they will no longer be able to use any vehicle to flee the scene of a crime. As mentioned earlier, this system will also enable officers to be to the scene of a crime much faster and once they arrive they are much more likely to have success in tracking down the criminal & will know for a surety that the criminal is in the near area because Prevent to Protect will cause a temporary lock down of all vehicles in the area until the criminal is tracked down & faces the justice that we pride ourselves in creating. Prevent & Protect will also create a great new level of justice through its ability to know where every vehicle has been driven near any areas where a non-reported crime happened. This will give us the ability to find criminals in a fraction of the time & prevent them from going uncaught & harming others during the longer periods of time that we currently require. Prevent & Protect requires every car to have a driver pin that can be changed at any time & fingerprint scanners & when combined these will almost guarantee the elimination of error & misunderstanding that currently, at times at least, leads to the prosecution of the wrong person! This gives us the ability to know for a surety who was driving what car, at what time and where they have been. Protect & Prevent will know the local weather conditions & adjust the speeds of every vehicle as needed for different weather conditions to guarantee everyone’s safety & punctuality as weather conditions change. Prevent & Protect will give an exact time of arrival which will vary in accordance with the weather& give everyone the ability to know what time they need to leave to get to their destinations without being late. Earlier, I stated that this is a system of choice & it is because of this I have designed the system to have an instantaneous manual override in every vehicle which will disable Prevent & Protect from having any ability to control the vehicle. The reason that I have designed the system this is not because this will ever be needed; I designed Prevent & Protect this way because, from the feedback I have received some people seem to be scared of vehicles being driven by a computer; I do not know why they fear this because a secure well programed computer system is guaranteed to be much better & more accurate than any human, like a calculator; but this fear needs to be addressed. Also some people fear that a terrorist can hack the system & use the system to cause accidents but the design of the operating system makes this infinitely impossible! This system has several programs on 2 systems updated in completely different ways to guarantee that this cannot happen. If a false update or command is sent that is not correctly coded the sub system will know it & will automatically delete, deny, & trace it. Updates will be done from a government programed system that nobody other than the government will have any clue how to use. This system is very likely to be as secure, if not more secure, than the electronic computer systems that activates & launch our Nation’s nuclear warheads; if we can trust nucs with a computer system, and we do, then we can also trust a vehicle with it considering it will save millions of lives! Prevent & Protect coding will be completely different from what is commonly used. This fear that some people have of the system being misused is unfounded in reason & logic; it is the kind of fear that my parents taught me about (F.E.A.R. false evidence appearing real) & though many systems in our nation can be hacked & used to harm people, this is not one of them; still some people fear a system that they cannot control themselves so I designed Prevent & Protect to give everyone freedom from any fears they may have & ensure everyone the peace of mind that everyone has a right to keep, so I designed Prevent & Protect with a manual override that will physically disengage the control devices from the car. Any issue that could be caused by this manual override has been solved. For example, a criminal disables “Prevent s & Protect, now what will happen? When Prevent & Protect is disabled law officers will immediately be notified of an emergency incident, all cars near that vehicle will safely be pulled over, an operator will immediately come on the system that has been disengaged asking the person why they have disabled the control devices & if it is because a criminal is trying to escape the operator will likely be able to end the incident before it escalates by ensuring the criminal that there is no way they can flee from the crime & that their sentencing will be increased if they try to escape. If they do not abandon their attempt to escape, law officers will be driven by Prevent & Protect at the maximum speed the laws of physics will allow & deal with the situation; I have studied physics at Utah State University & been taught by a very intelligent physic professor & I know for a fact that this automated system will outperform any human’s driving; the line between safe & unsafe is paper thin & humans cannot travel at these speeds without crossing that line which will cause a vehicle to lose control. No human can beat a computer; there are so many proofs of this truth such as calculators, chess games & many more preprogramed computer systems that no human can compare to & because of this law officers will be able to outperform any human driver; it gets better though; before the criminal gets even very far, often within a few blocks, prevent & protect will remotely start many vehicles with no human in them, drive these vehicles to both sides of a fleeing criminal & pin the car between them & without harming anyone the system will stop the criminal’s vehicle; the best part is that there will be nobody in these vehicles that have stopped the criminal & therefore no one for the criminal to shoot at as often happens when fleeing criminals are stopped; this will enable law officers to keep a safe distance while the criminal is effectively neutralized. Now let’s say an earth quake takes out a chunk of the road right in front of someone & therefore the system does not know the road ahead is unsafe; this still is not a problem any larger than it would be without the system because the breaks of every vehicle will always work manually even without the system’s disengage feature & once the breaks are pushed the system will quit accelerating forward & this will prevent any accident because once the first person manually pushes the break of their vehicle, the system will know this through GPS signals, & do an emergency stop of any vehicle behind the mauling stopping car to prevent any sort of rear-end accident; the system can do this because, as mentioned earlier, no matter what the system will always know where every vehicle is & there is no way to disable this feature. The features that can be disabled are Protect & Prevents control of the breaks, throttle, & steering & this disengages the actual devise added to these parts of every vehicle. Prevent & Protect has a manual disengage option has a very secure design to ensure that it never happens by accident. Protect & Prevent has a pre-loaded guidance and is not guided with directions that are sent as a person drives; vehicles cannot be manually steered from wireless signals when a citizen is driving; only preloaded maps guide the vehicle & the system has been designed this way to prevent any problem that could come from interference of wireless signals. Prevent & Protect works like a tom-tom with pre-loaded maps that guide the vehicles. Prevent & Protect was designed this way to further guarantee an infinitely secure transportation system. The only signals that can be sent wirelessly to citizen’s vehicles is a change in acceleration to adjust for changing weather conditions and a signal to pull the vehicles over to the right of the road, the system cannot wireless send signals that can steer vehicles to left in the direction of oncoming traffic. Government mode has the ability to completely control vehicles so that any vehicle can be used in whatever way is needed by Protect & Prevent operators to push broken down vehicles off the road in times of crisis, & also to stop criminals from fleeing; changing a civilians vehicle to government mode requires the vehicle to be shut off manually; it cannot be changed while a civilian is driving. If a civilian vehicle is ever used for government purposes Protect & Prevent will take care of any damages. The user will always be warned of this & told to disengage the system if they are in the vehicle being activated in government mode because no vehicle with a person in it will be used for this purpose. There is always a 15 second warning before Government mode signals can be effective to give a person adequate time to disengage the system before it used in government mode & will sound an alarm within the vehicle to prevent it from being used for government purposes with a person in the vehicle. All vehicles are equipped with cameras, microphones, speakers & other devises to ensure government mode is never a danger to anyone. As our roads are changed for construction & the like, the maps updates as needed in accordance with the needs of the roads & these updates will be perfectly secure & only made by a select group of government workers that updates them with an encoded system to guarantee is cannot be misused. These updates will always be checked several times by humans & computers both to guarantee there are no errors. If there was ever an error from a worker, the computer system would catch it & each vehicle’s computer has a subsystem that analyzes the maps to ensure it was sent from the government & is programed to never accept an update that is not sent from the government & even if sent from the government it will not accept a government map that has a guidance system that could make 2 vehicles collide or any vehicle drive off a road at high speeds. There are so many safety precautions in these computers at the governments & the civilian’s end and this makes this system is more secure than any other I know of. Each vehicles system is programed with a subsystem that will prevent any problem with map updates. There are several programs that check other programs within this system, each updated differently, some wireless updates only, some hard wired updates only, all at different times & all of these make this system impossible to misuse. This system is probably sounding fairly advanced & expensive right now, so I want to show you how this is SO far from true & actually costs a small fraction of our current expenses caused by traffic accidents. This system costs far less than what the government currently spends on its current transportation system. According to cdc.gov everyday, around 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver; this amounts to one death every 51 minutes & according to cdc.gov, the annual cost of these alcohol-related crashes alone totals more than 59 billion dollars. The webpage goes on to say that there are effective ways to prevent this, but that is so far from true! How can you or I prevent someone from drinking & driving; we cannot; if I could I prevent this without this system I would have done it, but we cannot prevent this. There are thousands of law officers trying to prevent this & prevention is not happening; because of that fact this system is much less expensive than dealing with the costs we currently spend to deal with alcohol related collisions alone. Everything that this system requires vehicles to be equipped with, wireless internet connection to the master system, touch screens, keyboard to enter the desired destination, microphone to speak it, speakers, camera, GPS, a CUP, motion sensors, compass, finger print scanner, throttle control device, brake control device, steering control device, & a few others, almost all of these advanced technologies are already in your phone & these phones are sold at retail stores, retail not wholesale stores for $40 & that is the current retail cost of every component but 4 (throttle, break, steering control devices, & the fingerprint scanner). Every component required to make this a perfect functioning system for every vehicle currently on our roads will cost about $100 per vehicle when they are mass produced at a no profit price because the revenue of this system does not come from the kits we add to cars, it comes from the monthly road insurance payments that will be about the same as people’s current insurance payments. This system is SO easy to make & the only reason it is not completed is because I am a chemistry, biology, & physic nerd, not a computer nerd, but I know many & this idea came to me only 3 weeks ago & I have not told many about it or had it made because I do not know who I can trust & we must have an international patent for this system before others know about it. All this system requires is a computer to send a signal to these devices that are added to the breaks, throttle, & steering that according to the GPS location. I do not know how I did not think of this before now because all of the technology that is needed for this system to function perfectly was developed & made available in retail stores at least 5 years ago! That is just the nature of ideas; they are random, nobody really knows where they come from & they are steps in evolution & now that I mentioned evolution on God’s land I need to quickly say that I do not believe the crazy theory that an explosion is what made us, the most advanced self-repairing, self-energizing, creation on this earth; I do not get how some scientists believe that. Science gives us the ability to know otherwise; we have perfectly round eyes! The laws of physics render us the proofs that lets us know, not believe but know for a mathematical surety that can easily be shown just as true as the laws of gravity though lab studies that meet every standard of the pinnacle of the scientific method & these sciences show us through replicable lab testing that we were created & are not the result of an explosion like the big bang theory suggests. We are creations of God & more advanced than any computer or electronic on this earth; our body runs on & moves with the same electrical current that all electronic devices use, only our bodies are billions of times more advanced. Your cell phones are billions of times more likely to be a result of an explosion than your bodies! I want this system to be an anonymous donation from a God inspired citizen. If anyone tries to take credit for this God inspired system I will never give my inventions to the government again. I have hundreds & they will be given for free; I am a worker & earn my money through labor & I enjoy that. These inventions are to help people & I want them to be as cheap as possible. This system could be awarded noble prizes & I might deserve the credit because I have put a lot planning into this that has been hard, but worth it but I won’t die for this system. I put my family above all else & I do not care if men think that I was intelligent for creating this; I ONLY STRIVE for the approval of my God & hope when I meet him after death he will tell me I have done well. I once hated God for not being here to help people, but then I was told a great story; a man died & when he met God, the man asked God, “God why did you not help the starving, those in pain, & those that suffered?!” God looked to the man & said “why didn’t you, that is why I made you!” At this point my hate turned from God to myself, so please end the hate that is so commonly spreading everywhere & implement this system. So now that you know it will not be expensive for citizens to get these kits for their cars, we need to further analyze the finances & look at the big picture of the effects of this new transportation system. I have named part “our deliverance from the theft of debt” & I named it such because our national debt is stealing from every single American & it is nobody’s fault; our creditors are to thank for everything we are today & I AM NOT saying that they are the thieves & we should all love & thank our creditors for being great people that have cared enough about us to get us money in our times of need; however this debt is a leach on the body of America; our debt weakens our dollar that every department of government & every citizen of this country depends on for survival! We urgently need to pay off this debt & you here at the department of transportation can create the means to do this more quickly than anyone has ever thought possible! Our debt is nobody’s fault, but it’s everyone’s respectability! Our national debt was necessary to every American’s survival & wellbeing; some argue that the government is to blame for this debt & that we should cut welfare, & all I have to say to them is that they are corrupt with greed to think that we should let people suffer to save money; we give that money to the poor & anyone that feels that we should not give to the poor so that the rich can continue to get rich is cruel. Some argue that we should cut military spending & all I have to say to those people is if someone wants to kill you, then maybe we should let them because they care more about money than the safety & security of their family which is protected by our nation’s military. Our nation’s military spending is what developed the tools that enabled people to stop tyrants that would have without a doubt ruled the world & every nation would currently be under tyrannical dictatorship by Nazis without this spending; anyone that suggests that we should do away with the furthering of new developments that have ended wars & will hopefully soon prevent every sort of war is out of their mind. So our debt was absolutely required for survival, but it is also going to be the end of our survival if it is not dealt with. The department of transportation with this system has the means that can pay this debt! You’re probably thinking can the department of transportation really create the means to pay this debt? The answer is YES! You truly can, let me show you the numbers! As of 2012 there were 254 million vehicles registered in the United States alone. I suggest that we base people’s monthly insurance payments which will still be required on their income ranging from $75 up to $300 per car. If every person qualified for the lowest monthly amount this system has the ability to generate a new $19,050,000,000 per month in our country alone. Once we have an effective global patent & bring this system of protection to everyone, it will generate a new 75 billion dollars of revenue to the United States Government every month which is 1 trillion dollars every 13.3 months and can if done correctly will pay back every single dollar of our national debt before a 20 year patent expires! It will take this system being spread globally for 19.95 years for it to generate 18 trillion dollars, which is just over the total of our national debt. This debt is belongs to every American just like this country does; this country & its citizens depend on our dollar for survival. Our dollar is only as good as the resources that we have to back it with & the collision & insurance business is simply dissolving our resources that we back our dollar with & we need these resources, they are the only thing that gives our dollar value. This system will free so many human hours, billions of human work hours from digging holes & filling them & having many people die in the process & free these work hours to produce goods that everyone will have in their lives that will otherwise never be made. Now let’s analyze what changes this system will cause to our economy on a less macro-scale, & this is very important because it is going to end the Insurance & collision repair business overnight & therefore we need to guarantee these people new & better jobs or else I will have nothing to do with this system or new inventions; however this will not be very hard. First, this system will require a great number of new jobs to be filled to keep this system working without flaw, but not enough jobs for every person that will lose theirs from the disappearing insurance & collision business & because of this we will need to create new jobs, but I also thought this through & have this pretty much figured out. First, what we need is completely changed prisons! I say this because it is a huge problem that our prisons are not effective; the rate of repeated crime even after long sentences is terrible! Men develop a 10 year habit of sitting around doing very little & then are released with this habit as a felon & what are they to do for money? Almost nobody will hire them! The prisons I have designed solve this problem & are very profitable! We will earn money with them, not spend money on them! It is by having our prisons work places where they can repay their debt to society. I have this system completed also, but that it for another group of people but these prisons will not only create a great number of jobs that this system will need to ensure in order to be morally acceptable & these prisions will meet this demand of morality & will also cause criminals to become great people through a work ethic that they will be required to form; inmates will have a choice X amount of years of work in a prison system, or remain in there forever, every day that they refuse to work, is a day that will not come off their sentence. Every day with a crime committed in prison will create a very large increase in their sentence. NOBODY will act out! These new prisons will be transformational! That is enough on that, but I hope you believe me when I say that I can ensure that there are sufficient jobs created by this system that will overnight end many jobs. If you want to know more about job creation & the plan I have just ask me later because I don’t have time to talk on that. So what needs to happen to bring this system into reality? You here need to help me get this idea to the top; I will print off & email this speech so that legal authorities can read this & make the mandate happen. But I have a request for giving this system to you. I ask that I am not mentioned in its development; many inventors have been killed for what they could have given to the world and I do not want to be one of them. I want this system to be known as an anonymous development from someone that is a idolizer of our government & that has survived at times only through the gifts of the US government, which we call welfare; I was raised in a very big family & our government & its generosity is how we have survived at times of my life; this way the people of America that wants to cut the budgets of government can see that it is the government’s spending that protected & fed people have been created with the ability to invent things that enable 1 person to do more than 1 billion humans can without these inventions & will increase productivity & the production of goods a thousand fold & that these so called government expenses are the means to creating inventions to give humans God like abilities & I hope that people will begin to see that government “expenses” should be more correctly labeled “government investments”. I hope that I have gained your support in helping every human alive through the creation & legal mandate of this life saving, money making system of protection & perfection. I will do all I can to help, but again I ask that my name not be mentioned to anyone & that this meeting remain private until I die, & once I have dies I want the government to let people know that it was me that made designed this system so that my offspring will be known as the most valuable contributors of society that deserve to be listened to so that we can ensure the lifelong safety of every human alive. I was raised by very great parents & through them I have learned things that have enable me to raise & teach the next generation to be significantly more intelligent that I will ever be. I know these things for a fact & I know that I will be a great contribution to you, your families, our nation & the world if you will simply listen to the logic & economical solutions that I understand that many others do not. Thank you for your time & I hope you all will take steps today to bring this about rapidly because every day without action is a day of so many tragic deaths that this system will prevent; please write this down so that we can save lives, “if you can do it now & you don’t do it now, then you probably won’t ever do it & even if you do it later, you will be so far behind others that you wasted your efforts”. Every 17 minutes that goes by without our action is another person that will die on our roads that we could have saved if we would have put forth a little more effort. Please use your time wisely & help this happen NOW. Thank you.

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Prevent & Protect
"The Perfection of Protection"
new system feature Random ideas

Enable the system to direct traffic to route less congested roads to keep travel times the best.

Another advantage of completely autonomous roads by mandate is that the system will be able to route vehicles automatically to alternate routes if there is a certain area that is overly congested increasing travel time decreasing travel time, decreasing congestion, and increasing on time arrivals Idea for completely autonomous mandated system,

it can be programmed so that if a car's motor goes out on the road and is stuck on the road, the cars can autonomously put the car into neutral and push it off the road so that it does not congest traffic in an orderly fashion because all cars will be hooked up to the autonomous system so they can pause  while it is moved off the road. Create virtually congestion-free road conditions globally.

PREVENT & PROTECT will make road construction SO much easier because all the traffic is pre guided to the new route and can easily put all cars into a single lane while the others are replaced!

This system can be programed to make a stop free commute for all roads throughout cities and significantly increase travel energy efficiency and in-city travel time because the system can let drivers at crossroads to go in-between each other without coming to a stop. This will prevent almost all stopping & starting that comes from traffic lights which will be a past time with this system because no traffic lights will be needed from the completely autonomous road system. 

Someone should do the math on it, but this system will make literally trillions of dollars being sold to other countries by the USA government once you guys get a patent on this completely autonomous road system. This concept & system is completely patentable which gives our government power & rapport globally as the controllers & inventors of this system & selling rights to all other countries because this system will cause a HUGE increase in GDP & be worth trillions to each country so we can sell it for a percentage of their GDP increase which will be huge!