print a new world of sustainable structures

Using Speedboat Epoxy, UHMWPE, & Boron Powder & EPS Expanded Polystyrene Geofoam, it is possible to make extremely lightweight virtually impenetrable structures of any kind, from spacecraft to mega structures, all stronger. easier, & more energy efficent than ever before.

I.P.S. Impenetrable Printed Structures. A new world inside the world. 

The longest lasting and safest structures ever constructed overnight, a true delight.

Completely interconnected epoxy structures have an enormous advantage in that every part is a supporting part for its main structure making a building that is significantly stronger than any other. This single invention eliminates the majority of human harmful labor that life on Earth currently requires. It is possible to make Impenetrable super structure printers that can turn a blueprint into reality faster and stronger than humans could ever build. This technology also allows deep tunneling and sub surface structures to be constructed easier than ever before because they are a liquid prior to going down and they can have a feeding hose transferring the materials completely and effectively using the natural force of gravity which will naturally move the substances from the surface down below at a safe rate as they are utilized.

I hope I don't have too many mistakes in here LOL I am making this really fast so there may be quite a few errors in here, but I know for certain these things are achievable and a guaranteed success if we pursue them.

printed underground greenhouse

printed smart homes

printer underground superhighways

Printed roads and over / underpass stopless roadways

Printed subterrain super speed suction tubes

printed spacecraft