There are trillions upon trillions of dollars just sitting there waiting to be picked up and owned and utilized by Elon Musk!
Autonomous musk mining technology
Collecting every ounce of gold silver and precious metals on the entire planet without working a day in the rough terrain.
Gather all resources humans need and redefine wealth
Machines can outperform humans in every way, when it comes to finding the perfect place or seeing a teeny spec of gold, machines can do it trillions of times better than the best humans!
Get every resource we need for anything and everything for free! God's gift to the great genius guru of automation Elon Musk!
Obtain wealth that surpasses that of the entire Earth's combined
The Earth has everything you need for free you just got to get it.
There are literally trillions upon trillions of dollars in precious resources sitting there wasting and will never be utilized unless the genius guru of automation Elon Musk harvested with automated technology.
Build all cars and new technology for less!
Everything you could ever imagine building made possible.
It doesn't really make sense to buy something from someone else when you can go get it yourself for free! This Earth has a massive abundance of precious resources yet to be mined, from steel to boron to Gold to silver, there is an abundance of all of them waiting to be harvested and solar wind automated drones can make it a practically effortless endeavor.
Environmentally friendly and beneficial
Save two lives with one buoy
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Enable talented miners to work from bed
In a world with autonomous drones everyone can be safe
On the rare occasions where a human being is required in the mining process, it is extremely easy to allow the miners to work from home using augmented reality. Musk mining technology will enable the most lucrative and luxurious lifestyle ever.
Nickel graphite gold and silver
All the materials you will ever need
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Safely extract every evolutionary element from Earth
Job title or function
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High Speed Boring & Mining
Use plasma &
Ultra hot gas can be u
HPH2O Boring & Mining Technology
High Pressure water to mine & tunnel anywhere
I'm pretty dang sure we can use high pressure water to cut through any material & get a virtually 100% mining yield on resource rich land.
It is possible to add abrasive material into the water to cut through harder materials & faster cutting speeds.
Laser Cut Boring Assistance
Get the edges cut perfect follower by jack hammer tech
If lasers are used to pre cut the edges of the tunnel perfect surfaces can be obtained using jackhammer conveyer mass removal to make high speed removal of earth.