The ONLY practical way to save the rainforest destruction is by making a new global supplier of every paper requirement. We can't stop using toilet paper, its a crappy fact, lol but we can make a new toilet paper precursor alternative that is more affordable with cannabis production needed for healthy food and is a wasted byproduct of hemp seeds but can be used to save the world.
green earth perfect paper
Cannabis is a Godly plant, it has the ability to literally save and transform the life & suffering of mankind. Its one plant but its thousands of solutions.
Money isn't paper but paper is money!
Only logical way to prevent deforestization
It is literally impossible to stop rainforest deforestization unless there is a new alternative material for people to deal with their crap LOL. It is frustrating that humans are such a needy species, but it's much more frustrating when we don't meet those needs. The only logical way to end deforestation is with industrial scale hemp cultivation because it is the primary human nutrient in perfect form in protein and efas and the plant by-product is significantly stronger and more durable than cotton or other alternatives and a perfect option to save the world and give humans what they need.
Paper recycling from the manufacturer
If people are given easy to understand video instructional on how to properly recycle paper, and given automated recycling bins, it is very easy to get the majority of paper products recycled. Some things are not recyclable such as paper plates and toilet paper LOL but most things are recyclable like books and the junk mail we get and using autonomous technology makes it easy and practical to keep those resources recycled and recirculating to benefit society without producing new problems.
Produce the majority of mankind's protein consumption with cannabis and get paper for free.
One of the trillions of beautiful things about cannabis is that virtually every part of it can be used for an incredibly beneficial and required product production for human life. From plastics to paper, all of it can be made from cannabis. Termed a 'bioplastic' material, hemp plastic isn't made from fossil fuels, which means it doesn't produce CO2 as it decomposes. Hemp's cellulose content (65-70%) makes it the ideal plastic manufacturing material. Cellulose plastic is already a popular bioplastic.